Cooperative Veterinary Care

Many pets are fearful when it comes to veterinary procedures, body handling and basic grooming needs. Because of this fear, it is often difficult to provide them with the essential wellness care and daily grooming they require. 

With Cooperative Care Training we will teach your pet to become an active participant in their care. This means that vaccinations, physical exams and blood draws can be done with minimal stress for both you and your pet.  

Cooperative Care Training will consist of 30 minute sessions in our veterinary setting with Rachael VanDyke, LVT and Karen Pryor Academy certified training professional. Your pet will already be working in the facility where vet care will occur and with the staff that will be providing that care. That combination is a win-win for our patients which allows them to reach their goals at a quicker pace. 

Interested in Cooperative Veterinary Care? 

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